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To view a complete list of domain extensions we offer, please visit our Domain Registration page.

See What Some of our Customers Think...

ONLE Oracle Community Newspaper
"I was approached by a TiVaHost representative who outlined what TiVaHost offers, and the guarantees of service. Since I joined TiVaHost I have been extremely satisfied with every aspect of their service. Every single issue I've had has been dealt with in a timely fashion and to my complete satisfaction. I have consistently recommended TiVaHost to all my acquaintances who have expressed a need/desire to use this type of service. In this day and age of corporate machinations, it is refreshing to have very personal service suited to my needs."
Don Henwood, Publisher, ONLE Oracle Community Newspaper (Levack, Canada)
Safe and Sound Residential Inspection Ltd.
"We switched to TiVaHost after almost 10 years with our prior web service provider. The transfer of information was handled by TiVaHost with minimal time and effort required by us, and with minimal disruption to our web presence during the change over.

I would highly recommend TiVaHost to new business, and more importantly to existing businesses who haven't evaluated their web presence and services in awhile."
Tom Gresham, Owner, Safe and Sound Residential Inspection Ltd. (St. John's, Canada)
To view more testimonials, please visit our Customer Testimonial page.

Why Choose TiVaHost?

When it comes to your website, speed matters! Studies have shown that most website visitors expect pages to load in 4 seconds or less. Google also uses the speed of a website when determining where to place a website in its search results. Google will punish slow-loading websites by ranking them lower, but will reward fast websites by ranking them higher. These are some very good reasons to ensure your website runs fast, and efficiently; something your visitors will thank you for!

At TiVaHost our hosting platform is optimized to deliver excellent speed and reliability for your website, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We use technology like content compression and multi-threaded web servers to ensure you get the best performance possible. Your visitors will stay engaged and Google will rank you higher, it's a win-win situation!
You can have the nicest, newest, coolest website on the internet, but if it's not online when your visitors try to view it, your efforts are wasted. When you choose a provider to host your website and e-mail, you are placing a lot of trust in their hands. Downtime with your hosting provider can keep visitors from being able to access your website, and can keep you from being able to send or receive e-mail. Reliability needs to be a top priority.

At TiVaHost we have a 99.9% uptime guarantee that we meet, and in most cases exceed, on a continuous basis. We know how important your website and e-mail are, and go to great lengths to ensure that your services are always available when you need them.
Many hosting providers will try to lure you in with low introductory prices, but then the prices increase significantly upon renewal. We believe this is a sneaky practice that takes advantage of customers, and it is NOT a practice we use at TiVaHost. We are up-front with our pricing, so you can be sure there are no surprises lurking in the fine print.

With TiVaHost you only pay for the resources you require, which helps us keep our prices low. There's no need to pay a high price for resources you do not use, just pay for what you need. It's simple, easy to understand, and affordable.


We Are Proud to Have Happy Customers in the Following Countries


Talon Energy Services
"We switched to TiVaHost because we were trying to improve the speed of our website, and since switching the support and the speed has dramatically improved. The control panel interface was a huge improvement over our previous host, and easy to use. I would highly recommend TiVaHost to anyone needing any type of product or service related to web hosting. If there were any issues, TiVaHost was always there to help resolve them promptly and professionally."
Kevin King, I.T./Security Administrator, Talon Energy Services (St. John's, Canada)
To view more testimonials, please visit our Customer Testimonial page.

Our Promise To You

At TiVaHost, if you're not happy, we're not happy.
Your website will be available at least 99.9% of the time.
If you are not fully satisfied, we'll refund your money.*
Friendly tech support staff are available 24 hours a day.